Music is super cool. When there are two great artists who come together to make music, it's even cooler. Sometimes, we even have totally improbable collaborations that end up being good. However, sometimes some collaborations have to be canceled for various reasons. And sometimes, when artists need a reason to cancel their features, they choose bogus excuses, a bit like the "My dog ​​ate my homework" technique.

Madonna who tej David Guetta because he is a Scorpio

David Guetta and Madonna are two of the most recognized artists in the world. In 2009, she called David and asked him to produce her next album. He accepts and the two meet in a café to discuss the album, Madonna being very enthusiastic… All that, until she asks him his astrological sign. Upon learning that David Guetta was a Scorpio, she considered that it would ultimately not be possible and left the table. Yet another proof that astrology is a cult.

Mister V who never dared to ask Booba for a feat

In an interview, Mister V confided that being a huge fan of Booba but never having dared to ask him to do a featuring, so as not to be shown off by him. “Imagine he screens me, he puts me in the story, the shame. » It seems that Mister V did well not to ask him anything, because 1 year later, Booba attacked him and Squeeze, in a tweet that was a little too incomprehensible on Twitter. Damage.

Orelsan refused a feat to Bigflo and Oli

Bigflo and Oli, big fans of Orelsan since his beginnings, confided in one of their songs that they had proposed a featuring to Orelsan, in view of their fairly close musical universes. However, he refused the project. They didn't fail to throw a little dig at him which went quite viral. “In this environment, I was very disappointed, I'll tell you right away, like the time when Orelsan refused us the feat, Yet he knows how much we love him, come on, no hard feelings, but a little anyway.” Yes, a little resentment all the same.

Booba couldn't do a feature with Rihanna because it cost too much

Normally, it is Booba who tends to refuse the feature, this time, the opposite happened and Rihanna told him no. Well, technically, she said yes, but for the modest sum of half a million euros. That is the equivalent of approximately 14,326 Unküt caps. Enough to think about it for a moment, and then end up saying no.

Marc Cerrone saw his feature with The Weeknd aborted because other composers had done better than him

During an interview, Marc Cerrone reveals that he composed for The Weeknd. However, the title will never be released, because 3 other composers also composed and their songs were better than his, The Weeknd therefore never chose his song. A blow.

Booba no longer wants to feature with Ninho because he “collaborated with too many enemies”

If Ninho had considered doing a feature with Booba, he was quickly stopped by the man we call the Duke. The reason? Ninho would have collaborated with too many of Booba's enemies, and he therefore refused. Afterward, in his defense, if the guy has 200 enemies, it's a bit hard to find people to collaborate with...

Freddie Mercury canceled his featuring with Michael Jackson because of a llama

Michael Jackson has always been a big fan of Queen and Freddie, and vice versa, of Michael. After several discussions, the two Kings of music decided to release an album together. The problem is that Freddie takes a few too many drugs for Michael's liking, which makes him a little paranoid. Michael, for his part, has very particular demands and quite often goes overboard. One day, Michael will bring a llama back to their studio, one of his latest madnesses. Freddie therefore called his manager to cancel the album, the llama (named Louie) being too much. A few years later, some of the duo's music still managed to be released. We still missed one of the greatest features in the universe because of an animal whose main activity is to spit all day.

Jean Sarkozy canceled his feat with Carla Bruni so as not to spoil his father's career

In 2009, Jean Sarkozy hesitated to launch into music by following in the footsteps of Carla Bruni. However, with his father, at the time the big favorite in the polls for the presidency of the republic, Jean Sarkozy preferred to abort this duo so as not to overshadow his father's future career, and to allow him to become President. of the Republic. There you go, hoping that Marine Le Pen's children will discover a great passion for music in the coming months.

Booba who no longer wants to feature with Vald because of Maître Gims

Booba, after seeing the collaboration of Vald and Maître Gims, finally decided to no longer do any featuring with him, because of his great rivalry with the former rapper of Sexion d'Assaut. And, since this top could have been renamed "Booba is a big jerk and he cancels all his collabs", here are exclusively the next artists with whom Booba will collaborate, the only ones on Earth who have not collaborated with guys he doesn't 'do not like; Christophe Maé and René la Taupe.