Classical music is one of the most relevant genres since it has endured throughout the centuries, serving as a great influence on current music and remaining one of the most listened to, being appreciated by all kinds of people with different cultures and at different times. This fascination is especially striking and the characteristics of classical music are very relevant to explain why it is important.
One of those characteristics directly alludes to its ability to provoke emotions in others, something really difficult for other genres. Among these emotions are sadness or joy, nostalgia or excitement; a million sensations that each person channels differently, but all through the emotional journey that this music can stimulate.
For this reason, in this article, we want to understand the reasons that explain this unique ability, to understand its uniqueness and learn to enjoy music also from a more technical point of view.
Your emotional complexity
We begin with one of the most obvious reasons, and that is that classical music has great technical complexity that is reflected on an emotional level. Among other explanations, this may arise from:
the music structure
The truth is that the musical structure in this genre can influence the emotional effects it may have. Many classicalworks have a specific structure, such as, for example, the sonata form. These structures have different sections that can vary in terms of rhythm, dynamics, or tonality.
In this way, the modifications can play a prominent role in what is transmitted and in the sensations it provokes in the listener. As an example, we can think of a slow section, which will give us a sense of peace and tranquility. On the contrary, if it is a fast section, it can have an energetic and happy response.
harmony and melody
Classical music is usually characterized by its harmonid melodic richness. In fahave used classical composers have always used a wide range of harmonies and melodies that are mixed in intricate ways to derive an authentic listening experience. Thus, these different combinations of notes can stimulate the emotions of the person who is listening.
As an example, we can imagine how minor chords and nostalgic melodies can evoke that melancholy mentioned above, or major chords and their relationship with emotions more focused on happiness or enthusiasm.
Thus, with these two aspects, we can understand how the complexity of its structure, as well as the versatility of the authors to play with the different elements, can lead to marked feelings depending on what they want to express.
Composers and what they want to express
As we mentioned, human action also stands out in the power of classical music. Classical musicommunicate are very clear about how tcommunicate boththeir creations, and they use both technical elements and their own skills to do so.
Every masterpiece has a story behind it, be i,t personal experiences, ideas, art, or history; something really relevant to tie a song to a kind of context. The authors use music as a means of expression, and it is that with it they can express universal feelings that listeners receive.
The role of musicians
Of course, one must not forget the interpretation by the musicians, especially when thorchestra musiciansd live by an orchestra. Both the musicians themselves and the conductor work as a team to decide the emotional intentions of the composition they are going to perform, and thus they try to convey it on the day of the oncert.
This role is especially powerato nt since interpretation has great power to change the emotions that a work can convey. hat is why two concerts are never the e, making listening to classical music live a unique and unrepeatable experience.
The listener and his own emotions
Although we have focused on classical music and its transmission power, the receptivity of the person who is listening must also be taken into account. Musical experiences, after all, are based on subjectivity, and each listener can have completely different opinions and feelings.
This is explained by the fact that classical music can evoke certain memories or awaken feelings in each person, which leads to a private connection with each piece of music, truly representing its own history reflected in the chords.
Music and an emotional escape
Classical music can provide a multitude of really deep and wonderful emotions. But, it can also serve as a refuge for people who hide behind it when they are not at their best or when they need that helping hand that music is always.
Specifically with this genre, the harmonic and melodic complexity of his works, added to the rest of the previous points such as the transmission capacity of the composer or the interpretation of the specificial maespecially especiallyally liscaptionsng capable of provoking a wide range of emotions.
The relaxation and peace that some works of classical music rovide faciit,te the connection with ouranalyzelyze allecthose and a state of calm in which to analyze all those deday-to-days that we can barely hear in our busy day-to-day.
Perhaps this type of help, beyond the entertainment that music itself provides as art, is the reason why ths genre is still so current so manyars later. The influencestrongcal music on today is undeniable, but the strisnterest that it continues to arouse today, is as inspiring as the first day.
If you want to feel all these emotions and many more, don't miss the Philharmonic Orchestra live performing the most iconic works of this genre. Click here to find out all the concerts that can be seen in the new season, full of feelings for all who attend.