It is between the ages of three and ten, the age at which children show the greatest neural advantage to learn anything, Music is one of the favorite activities of children, since always.

Let's remember that the first years are vital in terms of learning, since during that time, the brain grows more and develops more neural connections than in any other stage of life.

Music classesin addition to being a perfect hobby for children who show musical skills, are an excellent educational tool that will comprehensively help them, for example in concentration, a skill that they can apply throughout their student and professional years.

In fact, the most prestigious musicians in history began at a very young age, so time is valuable if the child shows a natural interest in music, and can develop it as a profession when he is older.

Types of piano lessons for your child to start in music

The age recommended by professionals for children to learn the piano is five years old, due to the size of their hands, however, before that time, they can become familiar with the sounds through classical music, and small toy pianos where they can learn the piano. key sound.

The most recommended instruments to learn from a young age are the piano and the flute, since they do not require too much demand, however, at that age the hands are already developed to also practice the violin, Both instruments will help you develop memory, coordination, and concentration.

By learning the piano, the child will develop mathematical abilities and a very good memory, which will help him to have better grades. In the case of the most shy, it gives them a new way of communication and more confidence to make new friends.

Private music classes must be taken as a relaxation and recreation activity and not as a school subject, with too much rigidity and discipline, so that the child does not become oversaturated and does it for pleasure and not out of obligation.

How to choose between singing or guitar to take private music lessons

The most important thing is not what you would like your child to learn, but the curiosity he shows to learn a new discipline. He likes to sing? When you have a guitar nearby, do you play with the strings? What type of music do you like? If you are not so sure, you can hire a private teacher who offers classes on various instruments and evaluates his abilities to obtain the ideal instrument for him.

Both the guitar and the piano or singing classes are a great way to develop the artistic talent of the little ones at home, in a dynamic and very creative way. Children who practice instruments show more mental dexterity than children who have the whole afternoon free.

The benefits of taking music classes online

Due to the current situation, thousands of students around the world opt for online or hybrid classes, this has made their parents more aware of the quality of the classes and supervise them while they are doing other activities such as working, cleaning up, or preparing dinner.

Music classes can be learned online, the most important thing is that children learn to develop their ears and follow instructions, although, at the beginning of the curriculum, most of the instruments deal with music theory and basic exercises such as the shape of the mouth when pronouncing the vowels in singing lessons or the position of the fingers in guitar lessons.

There will be occasions (if you request it) in which the ideal would be to have face-to-face classes, which is feasible since most of the teachers in our catalog also offer private classes at home.

The child must have a quiet space, isolated from outside noise where they can concentrate and clearly hear their own sounds and those of the class.

One of the advantages of private music classes is that, unlike face-to-face group classes, the teacher can focus all his attention on the child, forging an excellent teacher-student trust relationship where he can learn more thoroughly and in a specialized way.

They are only one hour a day, one, two, or three times a week, and your children will learn at their own pace, in a fun way, and according to their age. You will not waste time in traffic, and you can supervise that the teachings are appropriate for him.

The teachers are more than capable of teaching them from scratch and training them in the exciting world of art and music.